The Emergency Recall
The Emergency Recall - when you absolutely need your dog to come back and come back NOW! *** Use Coupon code RECALL25 for 25% discount through end of year!!
Why do we need an emergency recall?
This is why we need an emergency recall
What does the emergency recall look like?
How to train the Emergency Recall - the cue
Step 1 of the Emergency Recall - the cue
Step 2 of the emergency recall (yes, there is always a step 2)
How to train step 2 - the celebration
Emergency Recall Step 3 - the reward
How to train Step 3 - the treats, the treats, it is all about the treats
When your dog gets to you - don't snatch him up!!
How low can you go?
Use it or lose it but don't overuse it
Let's review
Some real life examples
What your 1st Emergency Recall will look like
Let's Do It
Let's Do It - Day 1 Repetition 1 if you have a helper
Let's Do It - Day 1 Repetition 1 if you don't have a helper
Let's Do It - Day 1 Repetition 2
Let's Do It - Day 1 Repetition 3
Let's Do It - Day 2 - one audio for all three repetitions
Let's Do It - Day 3 - one audio for all three repetitions
We aren't done yet
It's not all about you
Day 4 - Time of Day
Day 5 - Distractions
Day 6 - Distance
Day 7 - Find Me
Day 8 - while your dog is busy
Day 9 - Distance
Day 10 - What time is it
Day 11 - Locations
Day 12 - Distance
Day 14 - At Home
Day 15 - While your dog is active
Day 16 - Distance
Day 17 - Time of day
Day 18 - Distractions
Day 19 - Distractions
Day 20 - At Home
Day 21 - Distance
Congrats!! You have completed the training!!